Marketing offers much wider possibilities. The brand strategy may assume that product placement will appear, for example, in video games, social media, vlogs, entertainment programs, books, and music videos. An example of such an application would be the placement of a Volvo car in the Swedish House Mafia music video "Leave The World Behind" or Coca Cola, Miracle Whip, Polaroid, Virgin Mobile products in Lady Gaga's "Telephone" video. However, this is not the end of the possibilities.
More and more often we are dealing with the socalled verbal product placement. In this form, the influencer talks about the product or service or has it with him, e.g. during an interview, or even in a public place where other people can hear Algeria WhatsApp Number him. Product placement refers not only to placing a product in the media, but also to presenting it appropriately in retail stores. Think about how many times you bought a candy bar or a magazine just because it was on the shelf at eye level or close to the checkout Many brands pay high prices to have their goods placed on the best shelves right next to the checkout, at eye level. Moreover, some companies also pay for limiting shelf space for their competitors these are the socalled slot fees.
Does product placement make sense Product placement is nothing new. Over the years, marketers have been able to get to know its strengths and weaknesses in detail. To answer the question whether product placement makes sense, let's start by discussing the first ones. The main disadvantages of product placement are: Lack of control over the message, the brand manager is often not present on the recordings; Lack of control over the dissemination of content, the brand cannot always decide when, where and in what context the seriesfilmmusic video will be displayed; No control over audience size.