We set the language through tonal style speaking style and text recognition From the copywriting on brand packaging to the customer service words language has become the most commonly used tool for user communication Space settings Which comes first space efficiency or experience Some brands dont think clearly about this so they go to site selection design and decoration Within Heytea different store levels are also different The decoration cost of the most expensive experience store can reach million to million Therefore we need to set the meaning of space for the brand at the beginning
If the current stage is for the number USA Student Phone Number List of stores and efficiency then what should be considered is how to standardize and modularize it How to decorate and copy faster What area is most efficient What kind of location and rental costs are suitable at this stage We have had more than one project where the space design was initially focused on experience but gradually changed to efficiency first in the process The final result was
that neither side was involved and costs were wasted Experience settings Experience may be the opportunity for a brand to leave the deepest impression on users beyond physical products Before setting up you must first understand what experience links occur between the user and the brand You can write down the entire brand experience process on a whiteboard from the users perspective whether online or offline and then judge at each experience point what will the user feel At this time we look back and see what the brand wants users to feel At what points do users feel it What points will cause trouble to users and affect their overall impression of the brand After sorting out the experience process we can make .