Coffee tables for small businesses 2022 buyers guide. In Growthbar, I can type in any keyword and it will generate a content report for me. Here, I just typed in “best coffee tables for small spaces” and I’m presented with this: Growthbar content generator As you can see, these tools are just guides, and not meant to always be followed to a T. Growthbar is suggesting my main H1 title to be “How to choose.
The best coffee tables for small spaces.” But we know this is not the correct search intent, so we are going to stick with our original title and approach. But, we can click on the “Drag-and-Drop” feature to see what headings it recommends phone number list for this keyword. Drag-and-Drop content editor in Growthbar Here, we can see competing articles for this keyword, and drag-and-drop these headlines.
Into our content outline if we’d like. We can do this for free by manually looking at each blog post that ranks for this keyword, Growthbar just makes it a bit faster. Okay, here’s what our outline could look like if we go after the keyword best coffee tables for small spaces: [H1] 50 best coffee tables for small spaces 2022 buyers guide [Meta description]: A 155 character description of our article, with the main keyword.