Then president Fernando Henrique Cardoso, imposed control over spending by the Union, states and municipalities, making them conditional on tax collection. "It is a rule that is extremely important in terms of the State, as it does not allow you to spend more than you receive. It limits a 'spending party' of government officials who want to be re-elected", says Vladimir Passos de Freitas. However, there are those who believe that the Fiscal Responsibility Law makes it difficult to implement social policies. And several states and municipalities, which cannot issue debt in the same way as the Union, entered into financial crises, such as Rio de Janeiro, which had to adhere to the Fiscal Recovery Regime with the federal government.
Another problem is the co-optation, by politicians, of the Audit Courts. Civil Procedure Code (2015) Entering into force in 2016, the Civil Procedure Code emerged to replace EX Mobile Phone Numbers the 1973 CPC and ensure greater legal certainty and procedural speed. Therefore, it needed to change and modernize aspects such as digitalization and appeal deadlines. The rule increased the strength of precedents and encouraged alternative forms of dispute resolution, such as conciliation and mediation. Experts consulted by ConJur point out that advances have already been observed, but could be even greater.
There are those who estimate that the legislation could take ten years to reach some maturity. Laws against corruption (1991, 1992 and 2013) Law 8,137/1990, which defined crimes against the tax and economic order and against consumer relations, was the first to think more deeply about "white collar crimes", he highlights Vladimir Passos de Freitas. The Administrative Improbity Law (Law 8,429/1992), as well as its reform, promoted by Law 14,230/2021, and the Anti-Corruption Law (Law 12,846/2013) "form a legislative set that gives the State, the control institutions, the tool for combating patrimonialism, this social and political scourge of Brazilian society since forever", analyzes Gustavo Binenbojm.