We already know from the previous part of our series about the upcoming news in cyber security Regulation according to NIS , which obligations will start to apply in a year for entities in the regime of lower obligations, i.e. in the important category . Today we will look at entities in the essential category, i.e. the so-called regime of higher obligations. Even with the annexes, the draft of the relevant decree has pages, and it is certainly not the case that the National Office for Cyber and Information Security (NÚKIB) only detailed the rules according to the lower regime and removed the exceptions.
Therefore, we will also divide these duties within the framework of our series into Chinese American Phone Number List several sequels. large enterprises, economically and personnel strong enough to be able to meet the demands. This corresponds not only to the fact that a number of people with different security roles will deal with cyber security (in the regime of lower duties this could be solved by appointing a single person responsible for cyber security), but mainly that their procedures will be different.
they will be guided by what security assets the company works with and what risks lie in wait for these assets.NIS will employ at least three experts in each companyLet's imagine the people and the cast first. In these large corporations, there will always be a cyber security governance committee. Its composition, the roles of its members, their rights and obligations are determined by the top management of the company.