Identity, make sure that the photo of your ID is clear and legible a Warm up your account The second thing you should do after a ban is warm up your account gradually and carefully. This means that you should start with a low volume and frequency of activity on LinkedIn and slowly increase it over time. warmup linkedin account after suspension This will help you avoid triggering LinkedIn’s algorithm again and show that you are a real and active member of the platform.
Send -manual connection requests per day to people who are seo expate bd likely to accept them. Send – messages manually to your existing connections or new connections who have accepted your requests. Like, comment, or share a few posts per day that are related to your industry or niche. As you warm up your account, you can gradually increase the number of connection requests, messages, and engagements per day until you reach the unofficial but know linkedin limits.
Connections request per day messages per day As for linkedin scraping, it’s better to complete stop your extraction for a week then gradually increase from: profiles per day on Linkedin basic search profiles per day on Sales Navigator Export Sales Navigator leads for free . Set up safe automation limits The third thing you should do after a ban is set up safe limitations for your automation tools if you decide to use them again.