Shock videos , as we will see better later
Special effects or photomontages that combine animated characters and real people, who engage in funny dialogues or monologues: all techniques that aim to have a great perceptive impact for online users.Whether you prefer one genre or another, always keep in mind: there is no perfect type of content, but the perfect type for your target audience ! To be viral, each piece of content must be created based on the objectives of the brand or site it promotes.1.2. Viral Content and Online Emotions: Emotions to StimulateViral marketing strategies , as we have mentioned, leverage certain emotions and various moods of users, referring to their cultural or commercial interests . Let's see in detail what emotions should be stimulated and how to do it:Fun : humor and lightening up are among the most influential elements on the internet, capable of triggering numerous shares on social networks. In a given emotional context, GIFs and Memes are inserted which, as mentioned above, have the function of being ironic. These frequently focus on public figures whose facial expressions are looped, mocking the subject of the image in a non-offensive way . In particular, the emotional state of fun finds space on social networks such as Instagram and Facebook , where GIFs and Memes obtain very favorable feedback in terms of brand awareness and brand reputation.Amazement: being amazed means being amazed and curious about something or someone.Therefore, images and videos that present suggestive titles and Special Data anomalous or astonishing situations are very effective in attracting the attention of the online public. In this case we remember the viral videos that show heroic actions (even with possible special effects) and/or acrobatic movements in habitats that are not exactly suitable, causing a stir in the viewer. We reiterate that everything must last a few seconds or a maximum of 1-2 minutes. The short duration of the video, the speed with which an action is shown, has a major impact on the viewer's perception since the average user's attention span is increasingly lower.Nostalgia : memory and reflection are par excellence among the persuasive strategies for creating viral content. These factors are capable of deeply involving users. Often nostalgia and memory serve to focus on the different aspects of a situation by comparing the present and the past . Not only. The expedient of nostalgia-romanticism can also be used to tell the story of an online brand , which in a few seconds can evoke this psychological state with the aim of softening the user, communicating to him that the brand is the result of a commitment towards the sensitivity of its target. In this commercial De Cecco tells in a romantic way how she produces quality pasta:Displeasure : propose dramatic images to users , try to move them , try to make them feel sorry for very delicate situations. An attempt that often translates into a social and awareness campaign .
Displeasure and reflection are often evoked at the same time, when some brands want to demonstrate sensitivity towards certain issues, such as environmentalism or social minorities.Fear : among viral web strategies , the choice to scare is undoubtedly very frequent; exactly as happens in cinema and TV. It is not uncommon for people to decide to write articles that play on users' fears . Suggestive headlines that generate a sense of concern regarding the topic covered are exploited, trying to create clickbait titles (with easy clicks) . The horror genre is also used in a sarcastic way through GIFs and Memes, with iconic photomontages associated in the collective imagination with scary cinema.Anger : generally triggered by the use of information material regarding events deemed unjust by a community of users who adhere to certain ideologies and cultures. When creating viral content of this kind, you must always pay close attention to the choice of topics to cover and the relative meanings to convey with them. To make content truly viral , users need to identify with what they consume. Often this negative feeling is stirred by videos and images inherent to political movements, spread online to create consensus and opposition.