It provides clarity on the business
Analyze and discover new directions for expansion : the research and development activity within a company is essential; most companies start their activity on a local level, and after a while, a small part of them manage to develop on a national, even international level. Without market segmentation and detailed knowledge of the customer profile, development is not possible. It provides clarity on the business : the better the members of a company manage to know the target market they are addressing, the more strongly the company's values and principles will be embedded in them, becoming more involved in the activity they carry out within it; at the same time, they will anticipate which products/services suit customers according to their profile.It helps to achieve the marketing mix : once the profile of the customer to whom each Phone Number Data company addresses is known, it becomes obvious what improvements should be made to the products/services, what prices should be applied, what are the promotion strategies and the means by which the products/services will reach consumers. Deepen the topic: Read more about the marketing mix. Increasing notoriety and, implicitly, the brand : companies that have accurately defined customer typologies can meet their needs with products or services that solve their problems; the higher the degree of consumer satisfaction and the more their problems are solved, the more they will be satisfied and become brand ambassadors. Profit maximization and cost reduction : sales strategies will become more efficient and focus on the products/services most desired by the market and on the means that offer the highest conversion rate of a possible customer; costs will be reduced, as unprofitable products/services or distribution channels that are too expensive compared to the results obtained will be eliminated.
Limitations of market segmentation High costs for research and development High marketing expenses, especially at the beginning, when there is a need to test different strategies and interpret the responses from the market; Constantly and excessively improving the products/services to continuously satisfy the target audience and their needs; Giving a high level of confidence to statistical data and information, collected from the market, without being actually tested directly in the market