Facebook gives you two options
Step 2: Selecting the campaign objective . Youcan choose lead generation. Step 3: Choose the campaign budget Decide how muchyou want to invest and choose between daily or total budget. Step 4: Name yourad set . Determines the type of segmentation. It allows you to analyze theresults and thus know what is working best.Step 5: Select the Facebook Page This step,although it seems obvi Betting Number Data ous, is important especially if you have several Facebookpages. Step 6: Catalog It is advisable to complement the advertisement byincluding a previously uploaded product catalogue. Step 7: Public Determine thetarget audience and thus increase the chances of success.
On Facebook and Instagram you have the abilityto customize your audience, choose audiences similar to groups you havedefined, and even save groups you have previously created. Step 8: Choose whereto show the ad Depending on the objective of the campaign, your ads will bedisplayed in one location or another between Facebook Messenger, the FacebookWall, the Instagram Feed or Audience Network.